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Frequently asked questions about P. P. Tai Maharaj

1. Who is P. P. Tai Maharaj ?
Divinity personified.

2. Who called her “Tai Maharaj”?
Faithful devotees from society call her lovingly as “Tai Maharaj”.

3. How was she able to worship in spite of being a house wife?
By continuous ‘Naamsmaran’ while doing all routine chores.

4. What is her qualification?
Not only is she able successor taking forward her Guru Parampara, Shri Datta Maharaj too often addressed her as
‘Bhagavati ’.

5. Who taught her spiritual principles?
Her Guru P. P. Shri Dhundiraj Maharaj and father P. P. Shri Kajalkar Maharaj.

6. What is the aim of Shri Dattashram?
Get people to connect to spirituality without leaving their life routine.

7. What you gain by coming here?
As expressed by many, a visit here help them have resolve in their path of spirituality and progress of life.

8. Is Shri Dattashram open to all castes and religions?

9. If so, can anybody stay here?
No stay arrangement are available here.

10. What is Tai Maharaj’s family background?
P. P. Tai Maharaj is from Village Kajal in Ambad Taluka in Marathwada. Her father P. P. Shri Kajalkar Maharaj was a saint. In her lineage, all are leading family lives.

11. Will our family problems be solved by coming here?
People tell immense tales in this regard but for P.P.Tai Maharaj, these are but part and parcel of their journey of

12. Will Tai Maharaj visit our residence?
She doesn’t leave Dattashram.

13. Will Tai Maharaj give “Gurumantra”?
One may pray to her for the same.

14. Why Dattashram is not publicized?
You mean advertised? It is not necessary. Without formal publicity, people from all parts of the country as well as from other countries have been visiting Dattashram.

15. Many ashrams carry out promotional activities through visiting different households to sensitize people. Why doesn’t Shri Dattashram pursue this?
As said before, this is not necessary. Universal providence draws the devotee on the correct path.

16. Whose “Paduka” are these ?
Shri Datta Prabhu.

17. I am well-settled and do not want to ask God for anything. However, I do wish to help the Ashram in
some way. Can I do so?
“In helping others we help ourselves”, If this is believed, one may venture in as per one’s capacity.

18. Why are ‘Yagas ’ and ‘Yadnyas ’ performed here ? What is the importance of such rituals?
As per scriptures this brings well being to the world.

19. Can a person who cannot maintain purity (Sovale) come to Dattashram?
Yes Of course. But for certain occasions, it is necessary to follow ‘Sovale’.

20. Who can do Abhishek of the ‘Paduka’?
All male devotees in the traditional attire (Sovale) can do so in the morning hours (Generally 6.30 to 7.30) . The timings may vary depending on certain occasional poojas.

21. What is significance of Abhishek on the ‘Paduka’?
It is one of the rites performed during worship (Pooja).

22. Can I bring someone along with me to visit Dattashram?
Yes, you may; the address can be given to him for visiting Dattashram and please inform the office before planning the visit.

23. What is source of income for running the Ashram?

24. Can anybody bear the expense for food or Annadan for a particular day or in a particular festival /Utsav?
Yes; by seeking permission of P. P. Tai Maharaj.

25. What is the amount needed to support Annadan (donation of food) for an entire day?
There is no definite amount. Devotees may give donations according to their capacity.

26. Because of lack of time, we are unable to carry out certain religious responsibilities such as reading religious texts, carrying out certain rites etc. May we request Brahmins present in the Ashram to carry out these rites on our behalf at the Ashram itself?
Yes. The list of religious services offered is available in Shree Dattashram Office. The office staff would help you in booking any of the Services during your personal visit to ashram or over the phone too.