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Shri Datta Paduka Mandir

P. P. Tai Maharaj sought spiritual guidance and blessings from P. P. Shri Datta Maharaj just as a disciple would seek from a Guru. P. P. Shri Datta Maharaj too was aware of the spiritual divinity that P. P. Tai Maharaj had and would refer to her as “Bhagawati.” This unique Guru- Shishya relationship forms the backbone of the entire structure of Dattashram today.

P. P. Sau Tai Maharaj wanted to enshrine Lord Shree Datta Prabhu “Padukas” at Jalna. In Narsobavadi, Lord Shri Datta Manohar “Padukas” are placed at the base of the holy “Audumbar Tree”. When P. P. Shri Datta Maharaj was visiting Jalna, he once sat below an Audumbar tree in the premises of the Ashram. P. P. Tai Maharaj has placed Padukas at that very spot and has created a beautiful shrine around the spot.

After we enter Shri Dattashram, the temple hosting the “Datta Padukas” (Paduka is a compound word made up of two words namely, “pada” and “ka”. In Sanskrit language, ‘Pâda’ means: “foot” (masculine noun) and ‘ka’ is a diminutive ending with literal meaning of “small”. This terminology was coined to define India’s ancient archetypal footwear) is situated on the right side of Nagarkhana. On entering the temple, we firstly enter the spacious outer hall, which has a capacity to seat around 300 devotees. The elevated western part of the hall has been built around the Audumbar tree under which P. P. Shri Datta Maharaj sat. It is in this part of the hall that the shrine has been created.

The Padukas have been engraved in silver. Everyday, they are decorated with different flowers and ornaments. The unique decoration is done with a lot of love and meticulous planning. While the effect is truly pleasing to the eyes, it is impossible for even a stranger not to sense the love, sincerity and respect that goes into decorating the Guru Padukas. An idol of Shri Jagadamba has also been placed near the Padukas. When the soft morning rays fall on the shrine, the Padukas and the Shri Jagadamba idol seem to radiate light. It is really an indescribably beautiful sight.

Arrangements have been made so that devotees can walk around the Padukas i.e. offer Pradakshinas. We can enter Pradakshina marg from south entrance as well as from the main hall. An arrangement is made to sprinkle water (Abhisheka is a Sanskrit term comparable to puja, yagya and arati that denotes: a devotional activity; an enacted prayer, rite of passage and/or religious rite or ritual) over the Padukas.

System of worshiping of Paduka is like the Narsobavadi system (Parampara). Daily morning and evening worshiping (Pooja) is followed.

Shri Sant dham

As the name suggests, Shri Sant Dham is the residence of the saints. All the saints that have greatly influenced P. P. Tai Maharaj and indeed thousands of followers and devotees, are worshipped here. There is a main sanctum (Gabhara) and two small sanctums are situated on both side of main sanctum. Picture frames of Lord Shriram, Lord Datta, P. P. Shri Kajalkar Maharaj and P. P. Shri Dhundiraj Maharaj adorn the main sanctum.

Like the Paduka Mandir, Shri Sant Dham can accommodate 300 people at a time. All festivals initiated by Dattashram are performed in this temple. All spiritual daily chores are carried out here by son of P.P. Tai Maharaj. The Sant Dham almost always reverberates with the soothing vibrations of Naam Jap.

The basement of Shri Santdham is named as “Shri Prabhudham”. The atmosphere in Prabhudham is calm and tranquil. Prabhudham premises is primarily used for meditation and reading of holy scriptures.

Shri Raghavalaya

On entering the premises of Shri Dattashram , the first thing to catch the visitor’s eye is the Raghavalaya. This temple has been styled in a rustic fashion giving it the look of a “kuti”. Shri Raghavalay houses the idols of Lord Raja Ram, Goddess Sitamai, Shri Lakshman and Shri Hanuman. These idols were specially created by an artist from Jaipur under the guidance of P. P. Tai Maharaj. The idols radiate inner beauty and peace. During festival days, daily they are dressed and decorated differently. The Lord is dressed in rich warm hues and stands in his full grandeur, offering blessings and love to all those who come to his doorstep. These idols were established on the auspicious day of Shri Gurudwadashi in 2008. These statues are worshiped every day in the morning before sunrise and in the evening just after sunset around 6.45 pm.

The pradakshina path is situated around the main sanctum. A week of “nam smaran” is followed before “Shriram Navmi”. The frontal part of this temple is used as a stage for special programmes of Shri Dattashram.

Shri Abhirameshwar

Lord Shiva’s temple is named as Abhirameshwar. The “Shivling”, idol, was made from expert sculptors from Karnataka and brought it here. In the present setup this temple is situated outside the main premise in the north west corner near Yadnyashala


The Yadnyashala i.e. the site for religious Yadnyas is constructed to the north of the main premises.

There are 12 pillars in the basic structure of the Yadnyashala. Each pillar has been colored according to Vedic customs. There are four entrances on all four directions i.e. East, West. North and the South. There are 5 “Yadnyakunds”. The roof is designed and constructed to expel smoke from Yadnya.

Every year, the “Shatachandi Yag” and the “Ayut Chandi yag” take place in this Yadnyashala. More than 50 Vedic procedures are performed methodically.


The Goshala is situtated behind Shri Abhirameshwar. Cows are worshiped according to customs of Dattashram. Presently, there are about seventy cows in the Goshala. Cow milk is utilized for “Abhishek” and cowdung is used for plastering the floors as well as fuel. It is used as a manure.

A Garden

It has been P. P. Tai Maharaj’s vision that home-grown flowers be used for the worship of all the deities in Dattashram. There are 2 gardens planted in the grounds of the Dattashram. There are a variety of flowering plants like the rose, chameli, chafa, jaswand, zendu, mogra etc. Vegetables required for ashram are also grown here.

  • Facilities provided by Shri Dattashram

Decent residential facility is available here. Separate room is not allotted to devotees but bed, proper beddings, hot water for bath is provided. Solar water heating system is installed. Staying facility, morning breakfast, tea, lunch and dinner is provided free of cost.

The new office of trust is situated on ground floor of building.

Many projects like Bio Gas have been undertaken and executed here. A construction of new modern kitchen, dining hall and stores is under consideration as number of devotees visiting here are increasing day-by-day.